
In the name of God

Cryptobatics Agreement

Cryptobatics Legal Policies and Policy

The following agreement contains a summary of services, rules and principles of agreement between Cryptobotak and you, dear users. This agreement has been compiled for the ease of use of you, dear users, and the transparency of cryptobotic transactions with you, to prevent the violation of users' rights, to protect the privacy of dear users, and to maintain the all-round respect of you, dear ones.

Cryptobatics wishes you to read the present rules carefully; Because the use of any cryptobot services or products means your consent to the present rules.

Please note that every time the rules are updated, Gripbotatic considers itself obliged to inform you of these changes through the means of communication that you provide to us; Users are required to read the updates within the specified time frame. It should be noted that after the period of time announced by Cryptobotatic in the notification message, all responsibilities will be the responsibility of the user.

It is recommended to learn about all aspects of cryptobots work, in addition to the rules and regulations page, frequently asked questions and the video explaining the introduction of the robot and the registration process.

Definition of terms

  • User: is a person who, by reading and accepting all the rules, as well as registering his accurate and correct personal information, starts using the services provided on the site and cryptobot.
  • Products: The only cryptobot product currently is the cryptobot robot. This robot is a software that is available to users as a subscription. Based on the rules of technical analysis, this robot has achieved an algorithm based on which it will issue signals and analysis. There will be no human intervention in the analysis of the robot, and all the responsibility of the possible profit and loss resulting from the robot is entirely on the user.
  • Cryptobot Platform: Cryptobot Platform is an online store for selling computer software and providing support services for setting up and using this software. In addition, it will not be possible to buy and sell any cryptocurrency on this platform.

Cryptocurrency refund conditions

Only in the case of depositing money to Volt or the same crypto wallet (not to your own exchange account) and giving up using the crypto robot, we are obliged to send a payment receipt and provide a payment number within 7 days from the time of your deposit. TX-ID, we will process the refund. Otherwise, Cryptobots is not responsible for refunds.

  • Note that considering the 14 days of free use of the robot, the opportunity to test and test the robot's performance has been provided for you, dear users.
  • Note that this possibility will only be possible by deducting the transfer fee plus the cost of using the robot.

Responsibility for risk and capital management of cryptobots

This robot is programmed using advanced algorithms and indicators that we are not able to describe all of this information due to maintaining confidentiality and preventing copying; But based on the analysis of this robot, it will never deduct more than 30% of the available capital; Even if the market is in the worst state.

Also, this robot will bring you an increasing and continuous income with long-term capital management.

Volatility and tolerance of the digital currency market

Fluctuations, tolerances and force majeure conditions in currency markets are beyond the control of Cryptobotatic Group; Therefore, this group will not be responsible for these fluctuations; And the responsibility of using the robot will be fully on the responsibility of the user.

Disclaimer against the fluctuations of the crypto market: Financial markets have capital risk, therefore "Cryptobatics" does not have any responsibility regarding the possible losses of people in these conditions.

Preservation of user information and confidentiality

Cryptobatics Group will do its best to protect user confidentiality and privacy. Therefore, the robot of this collection will only receive API-Key and Secret-Key from the exchange and only with the permission of the user through the exchange, it will conduct transactions in the spot environment.

As a result, Cryptobot will not have any responsibility for rejecting the capital injected into the exchange or the performance of the exchange towards its users.

  • According to the investigations carried out, trading in the spot environment is very low risk and safe.

Data received from the user and retention of information

All the information obtained from the user, including the data received in the registration and login form of the Cryptobotic site, chat ID, username, and general data of the user in Telegram, including username, name, and data collected based on the conversation of people with the robot and similar data. They are completely confidential and will not be provided to any private or public organization or organization except with an official permission to access them.

Third Party Information Collection Services

To improve your user experience, we may use data collection tools such as Google Analytics, Microsoft Clarity, etc. Business information from the user's use of the cryptobot website, which is made available to us by various tools, including Google Analytics, is clearly stated in the following two documents:

Disclaimer for blocking the exchange account

Cryptobatics Group is not responsible for the blocking of users' exchange accounts. While writing these rules, we advise most users to work with foreign exchanges that have no problem with Iranians, such as Quinx, this exchange also has its own rules, and if you are required to register in this exchange to use the cryptobot service. , you must read its rules completely.

Our advertising and support policy

Cryptobatics may advertise to cover its current costs, and you as our user may be exposed to various types of advertisements on the web.

Support: All support services for setting up and using the robot will be provided to you, dear users. These services are provided through the methods specified and announced on the website.

  • Please note that in case of disrespect, causing disturbance and verbal abuse, etc., by users to the cryptobotatic team's support staff, the cryptobotatic group has the right to decide and even refuse to provide support services to this user.
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  • Mutual understanding is one of our red lines in the Cryptobotatic collection, so we thank you, dear users and customers, first of all, and then we ask you to have mutual understanding towards us.

Trainings, Service Limits and Price Changes

Tutorials: All the tutorials for using the cryptobot bot are given on this page and the pages of the site. The user, personally, is obliged to read these pages before purchasing.

Limited Use of Services and Products: No user is permitted to copy, reproduce, broadcast, store and publish in any medium, transmit, resell, publicly display or broadcast, adapt or modify the content for any other purpose without prior written permission. are not. Abusing any of the mentioned cases is illegal and will involve criminal and civil liability.

Price change: The price of the products and services of this collection will be changed without prior notice, and Cryptobotatic Collection will not bear any responsibility regarding the notification.

Final approval of the parties

Confirmation of the parties: Finally, the parties confirm that all provisions of the rules announced by the Cryptobotatic Group are fair; And they declare that these laws are against public policies; And there is no inequality in it.

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